Authored by Sara Weathers
Despite COVID-19 changing the workforce landscape globally, its effects on worker’s compensation claims were minimal. According to a recent report from the National Council on Compensation Insurance shared by insurancejournal.com, overall claim frequency was down slightly in 2020 from 2019 in 38 different states.
With COVID-19 claims excluded from the year’s total, 2020 saw almost a 7% decrease in the frequency of reports. Motor vehicle accident claims also declined by 14.5%. With more people working from home and traveling less, these could both be contributing factors to the decrease in these numbers. This decrease came after four years of increases in worker’s compensation claims.
People who typically work in offices saw the most significant decrease in workers' compensation claims. Those considered essential workers, such as grocery store employees and healthcare workers, saw increases in claims in the past year.
Researchers expect numbers to return to form as more people return to everyday work life. Now is a great time to make sure your company’s worker’s compensation policies are up to date as more and more people begin working in person again.
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Photo Credit: racorn, 123rf.com